Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dan In Real Life

Last night since I didn't have any homework Luke and I went to Common Grounds to watch Dan in Real Life! Great Movie! Dane Cook and Steve Carell how can a movie get any better right? Well it is just a great movie. We had to buy a drink to get in but that wasn't a big deal because Common Grounds Drinks are amaze!! I got an Arnold Palmer and Luke got a coffee with 4 espresso shots...umm..not okay. We were also like the least hipster people there, there were like guys with handle bar mustaches and like short shorts. It was awesome!

Well if you haven't watched the movie here is the trailer and I expect you to watch it like now! The movie..not the trailer.. or both ha.

But the reason I felt like blogging about this movie besides it being really good was the end of the movie really got me thinking about my life. Without giving anything away Steve Carell talks about making plans and planning to be surprised. (it says this in the trailer too) but I was just thinking about my life and where I am now. I am so surprised and I never could have thought of this on my own. God is full of surprises which are always going to be better then what I had in mind. Never in a million years did I think that I would be living in Waco, Texas, studying Nutrition at Baylor, In love with someone older than me talking about marriage, with such great family and friends. I would have never thought of that and I am just thankful that God is full of surprises and I look forward to planning of being surprised for the rest of my life, because I know anything that he has planned for me will be way cooler than anything I could think of.