But anyway I named it peaks, pits, prayers, and praises because well... I saw it on a journal on pintrest and really fell in love with it. and if I am going to have a blog I am going to talk about the highs, the lows, my prayer requests, and praises for things God has blessed me with.
This week was interesting, second week of school.... so I actually had to try. It was weird getting back in the swing of things but I really like all my classes.. except chem lab. that can just go away. I get to wear super cool goggles though.. you know the ones that leave smoking hot marks on your face all day long. yeah those.
My peak this week: Well lots of things. Luke was hired at a job with United airlines which means he would have to move away from Waco and be anywhere in the united states, but this week he decided this wasn't what he thought the Lord had planned for him. He has a few different options that still aren't in Waco but I sure am glad that I get to have him here with me for now. Selfish of me I know but don't know how I would survive not being able to see him when ever I want. Even if it is just a quick ten minutes after school before I go to work. Also...on a less serious note.
This picture literally made me laugh so hard all week. Saw this in the baylor parking garage. Why wouldn't Harry Potter want to transfer to Baylor? Baylor is better than Hogwarts. Sic em!
My pit this week it was a little stressful this week trying to help Luke with his job choice, also he is fighting the flu. So that is no fun!!
Prayers: I just have been praying for my momma and family back home. It is hard times right now for my family. But I know the Lord can't put us through anything we can't handle!
Praises: I am thankful for the great room mates I have this semester. They are awesome and none of them are here right now and it is making me sad. But anyway I am thankful for them. I am blessed with great best friends from Colorado who I miss very much! Ellen! Katie! Abby! Christy! Amanda! Laney!
So that is my first blog. Hope I didn't kill you with boredom!